My main hobby is roleplaying and most of my time is spent thinking about what Situations will I put my players in. There'll be a section here where I write about it.
I like reading, too, and I too may make a section about that.
I like to go on long walks and look wistfully at the horizon.
I like chopping wood and watching my cat.
I like stories about huge robots, the modern man's romance, and purchasing their likeness to assemble (It has taught me much about life).
Lately I'm on a talibanesque attitude towards music, though I like classical music, jazz, hardcore gangster rap, breakcore, neofolk, and others.
I like the clouds.
My favorite part of my old job were working Sunday's after lunch, since my town looked then like a ghost town, and there was a placid sunlight over all as I walked on empty streets.
I don't like anything; not really feeling strongly about anything at all lately.